

An eco-friendly Sundarbans travel agency base from Dayapur Sundarbans and Kolkata(Calcutta) city. I am Anupam Roy belongs from Sundarban Island Dayapur. In our blog discus of the largest mangrove delta of the world. Sunderban National Park is one of the most mysterious forests of India.

 I born and raised in Sundarban. I feel Sundarban closely. My moto the people know better our suburban, It is a beautiful ecosystem of our glove. I share my knowledge in the blog which will guide your every step.

Sundarban one of great India’s safari destinations. Sundarban national park is a wonderful mangrove forest not only India also our globe.Planning your safari holiday in Sundarban national park is hugely exciting. We choose the right locations, lodges, and activities to our clients. Because of our excellent service, we are proud of our rating on Tripadvisor where our clients give honest reviews.

We provide affordable personalized safaris and tours with flexible itineraries and time schedules. Comfortable boat, knowledgeable and friendly guides for your exclusive use in Sundarban tour.

Trip To Sundarban is a tour company based in Kolkata city and from Sundarbans that specializes in safaris and tours that fit in with a philosophy based around responsible tourism, conservation and the utilization of the environment in a sustainable manner. We are passionate about Sundarban, and who live and travel in this spectacular region, to bring you the finest holiday experiences.

know better go better feel better with Anupam Roy.

if you need more information please send mail.

Bonnie Camp Kalas Island Sundarban


 Kalas camp Bonnie Camp  Sundarban

Kalas camp Bonnie Camp  Sundarbanis a wildlife adventure tour of Sundarban. All night stay at boat. This is only for adventure lovers, as there are no luxurious facilities are on the boat. Bonnie Camp, is one of the attractive wild watchtowers in the Sundarbans. This watchtower is 50 feet high. This is the highest watchtower in the Sundarbans. There is also a nice sweet water pond. The animals come here for drinking water. If you spend overnight at this near camp you feel fear of tiger and various types of wild sound. On a moonlight the beauty of the jungle unforgettable in your life.

Never compare Sundarbans national park to others. It is totally deferent type of jungle safari to other Tiger hot spots of India.


Our Expert Tips Bonnie Camp tour


In Sundarban, the season is important. Most experiences depend entirely on naturally occurring factors, like seasonal rainfall. This means that having preferred travel dates will make a big difference to your itinerary.

Best Season –  October to March | So winter is the best time to visit Sundarban national park.

Kalas Island Located on the banks of the Bay of Bengal and lying beside it the Kalash beach. over an area of 4 acres. Although it is well protected with a fence of 10 feet high and 20 feet trench. It is still believed to be not enough to prevent Royal Bengal Tigers from coming to the beach. In search of the sweet water pond located there. Such is the adventure that defines an outing in Kalash Island. Tourists are restricted from touring the beach must be assisted by forest rangers as the island is often visited by the Royal Bengal tigers.

Know Before Where You Want to Get in Sundarban Tour


Start with having a specific goal for your safari. Maybe you’ve dreamt of seeing Tigers and other animals also mangroves, local people and culture. What animals or experiences are at the heart of your dream safari? The answer will more than likely help determine to find your destination of Sundarbans.


1 – BUFFER ZONE – Sajnekhali, Sudhyanakhali, Dobanki.

2- CORE ZONE– Netidhopani.

3- SOUTH DIVISION – Bonnie camp and Kalas camp also Kalas Island.



Trip Destination-

Gosaba Hamilton Saheb Beacon Bungalow & Rabindra Nath Tagore Bungalow.  Birds Jungle (Birds Watching Session) or Chorgheri chor, and Pakhiralaya.


Sajnekhali(w.t), Sudhanyakhali (W.T), and Do-Banki (W.T).

Buffer zone block and creek:

Pirkhali, SarakKhali, and  Gajikhali, Deul Varani, and also 5 rivers meet at  Panchamukhani.

Core zone:

Netidhopani Tiger Reserve,

Sundarban south division forest

Bonnie camp Tiger Reserve, Kalas-camp Tiger Reserve and finally Kalas island.


The 17th-century found in this watchtower. The evidence of the fact can be traced from the ruins at Netidhopani and other places scattered all over.

Netidhopani is a part of the core area of Sunderbans. This is an excellent site where you may find the pleasure of spotting the Royal Bengal Tiger.  

This Watch Tower has dense forest spots that may satisfy your trail to find the most royal creature. Also, linked to a popular Hindu mythology story of Behula-Lakhinder. BEHULA may find it interesting to spot the doorway (stairs to heaven) which the famous Netidhopani used to take to Heavens.

You may see spotted  Deer, and many birds and other animals here. The ideal time to visit this place is afternoon or early morning. The animals generally avoid scorching sun of the noons.






Bonnie Camp, is one of the most beautiful watchtowers in the Sundarbans. This watchtower is 50 feet high. The highest in the Sundarbans area. Nice sweet pond and animal come here for drinking water. When you spend overnight at this camp you feel fear of tiger various type of sound and on a moonlight the beauty of jungle memorable. The best time to visit Bonnie Camp is between September and January Month.

Kalash Island:-




Located on the banks of the Bay of Bengal is the Kalash camp and lying beside it the Kalash beach. over an area of 4 acres. Although it is well protected with a fence of 10 feet high and 20 feet trench. The Royal Bengal Tigers from coming to the beach in search of the sweet water pond located there.

Such is the adventure that defines an outing in Kalash Island. Tourists are restricted from touring the beach. It must be assisted by forest rangers as the island is often visited by the Royal Bengal tigers.

Royal Bengal Tiger and other species :

Royal Bengal Tigers are the main draw, but you can also spot Saltwater Crocodiles, various primates, leopards, King Cobras, and Indian Cobras.


Sundarbans is home to many different species of birds, mammals, and insects, reptiles, and also fishes. 120 species of fish and  260 species of birds have recorded in the Sundarbans. The Gangetic River Dolphin (Platanista Gangetic) is common in the rivers.

50 species of reptiles and eight species found. The Sundarbans now support the only population of the Estuarine, or Salt-Water Crocodile in India. The saltwater Crocodiles are 200 hundred individuals.

Royal Bengal  Saltwater Crocodiles,  leopards, King Cobras, and Indian Cobras. Sundarbans is home to many different species of birds, mammals, insects, reptiles, and fishes.

120 species of fish.

260 species of birds have been recorded in the Sundarbans.

The Gangetic River Dolphin (Platanista Gangetic) is common in the rivers.

50 species of reptiles and eight species of amphibians are known to occur.

The Sundarbans now support the only population of the Estuarine, or Salt-Water Crocodile (Crocodylus para sus) in India.

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Sundarban Unique destinations

Sundarban Unique Destinations

Sundarban is a  Unique Wild life Destinations of West Bengal India.It is Lagoons, Creek, Biological diversity. Its a bunch low lying Island of the bay of Bengal. The land of Mangrove. One of great India’s safari destinations. Sundarban national park is a wonderful mangrove forest not only India also our globe. Mangrove tree as a wall of nature. Protect the very severe tropical storm cyclone (Ayla – 2009 and Bulbul – 2019).

Sundarban plays an important role in enhancing the fish crap honey production of the adjacent neritic … activities (hot spots) and mangrove areas converted to other uses. Planning your safari holiday in Sundarban national park is hugely exciting.

Never compare Sundarbans national park to others. It is totally deferent type of jungle safari to other Tiger hot spots of India.



1-     Eco-system in Sundarban is completely unique.

2-     It is connecting direct small or a big river.

3-     During high tide water flow mid of jungle. All animals go to inside the jungle.

Our Expert Tips :

1. Know Before You Want to Get in Sundarbans

In Sndarban, the season is everything for tourist.Best time is given you best sighting of animals and ecosystem. Most experiences depend entirely on naturally occurring factors, like seasonal rainfall. This means that having preferred travel dates will make a big difference to your itinerary.

Best season –  October to March

Low season  – April to September

So winter is the best time to visit Sundarban national park.

How to get in Sundarban?

Kolkata to Godkhali Sundarbans distance is 103 KMS

There are two main routes to Reach Sundarbans from Kolkata.

1 – a) -Basanti Highway. b) Baruipur-Canning Highway.

2 – By Train from Sealdah(one of the major rail stations of Kolkata).Getdown canning station. there are lots of public transport for Godkhali (entry point of Sundarbans).


BUFFER ZONE. – Bagna , Burir dabri,and sajnekhali, sudhyanakhali, also Dobanki.

CORE ZONE- Harikhali and Netidhopani.

SOUTH DIVISION – Bonnie camp and Kalas camp also Kalas Island.



1 Sajnekhali, Sudhanyakhali , Dobanki,


Netidhopani(core zone), Harikhali(core zone)



RS 120       RS 220



RS 600       RS 800



RS 600       RS 500



Sundarbans safari experience wonderful. It has to be done only on boats. The boat will be running through the rivers. River Low tide time is ideal because the animals come on river bank during a low time situation. Most of the animals sighting early morning. Most of the boat is Non-AC for safari uses. A lot of tourist choose night stay at the boat during travel times. 4 to 5 common double bed with a toilet(up). All food is prepared inside the boat kitchen.

Royal Bengal Tiger is the main attraction during safari time. If you don’t spot a tiger feel the breathing of the mangrove forest. Feel the breathing of dead people who kills by the Bengal tiger during fishing or honey also a crap collection. Backwater Sundarban is unique, unforgettable, untouchable a mystic vast forest.

Which one of these travel types do you prefer?

Exclusive :  private guides, vehicles,and transports, accommodation, Boat and activities to your specific interests, such as Tiger watching. High-quality meals and tour schedule, modern facilities wherever you stay.

Fixed departures: These tour itinerary start and end on fixed dates during the weekend with another tourist.

solo Tour- We provide also solo travelers with a few options to help them choose the best tour itinerary to fit their budget for an adventure Sundarbans tour. We provide a solo cheap package including fooding lodging and safari.

3. We have a Budget Estimate

Sundarban safari is not only an inexpensive holiday. Even though there is a wide range of available itineraries and travel styles, there are a lot of logistics involved in going on safari in sundarban. cost depends on the type of lodges, excellent food service, also accommodation and boat safari.

  • Look at our following criteria:
  • Clear tour itinerary
  • 24 hours help support during the tour
  • Food menu
  • Tour Manager ( Experience of area and tour management)
  • medical support during sick.
  • More comfort  Accommodation.

Ready to Go Sundarban unique destinations?

You’ve set your travel goal, enriched your vacation wish-list, worked out your budget range and preferred dates, and been allocated your personal  Sundarban Safari Expert. It’s time to get ready for the holiday of a lifetime…


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How to Reach Sundarban National Park

sundarban wildlife photography tour

How to Reach in Sundarbans

Kolkata to Sundarban Distance 110 km.

When we want to go anywhere the first work we should do is collect the information about the destination sot that at the time of the tour we could enjoy the place. In article we discuss How to Reach in Sundarbans and travel tips.k

Sundarban is not an exception.

However, apart from the other tourist places in India, there are not enough and valuable information existed on the internet. In fact, there are tons of misinformation from the mediocre tour agents and guides that really can’t help you in your journey.

So, I’ve decided to write this article to help you and other adventure tourists who are interested in Sundarbans. In this article, I will guide you about the Kolkata to Sundarban distance, the entry points, and how to reach Sundarbans?

Kolkata to Sundarban Distance?

Kolkata is the capital of West Bengal and it’s also a great tourist destination on its own. If you are planning to visit Kolkata then don’t miss out on the trip to Sundarbans as the biggest Mangrove land is located just 109 km from Kolkata. The added benefit is there are many tour agents including us help you visit the tiger land.

Routes to Reach Sundarban From Kolkata

There are two main routes to Reach Sundarbans from Kolkata.

1 – Basanti Highway
2 – Baruipur-Canning Highway

These two are state highways and are maintained periodically to let the tourists visit the Sundarbans without any hassle.

Wondering, in both of them which is the best route to visit Sundarban?

Kolkata Basanti Highway:

The best route to get into the Sundarbans is through Kolkata Basanti Highway. We always use this route for our tourists as its not as crowded as Baruipur-Canning Highway.

If you want smooth traveling then use this route to visit Sundarbans. Basanti Road is linked to Eastern Metropolitan Bypass near Science City in Kolkata and from Science city, Kolkata to Godkhali Sundarbans distance is 103 KMS and it takes about 3 hours to reach Godkhali.

Our Female Traveler meet a local village market
You will find several tea and snack shops on this route. You can stop at any of these shops and get refreshed.

Kolkata Baruipur Canning Highway
The second route you can use to reach Sundarbans is Kolkata Baruipur Canning Highway. However, the distance is the same as the Kolkata-Basanti highway but as it goes through the main markets of the towns you will encounter a heavy rush. Especially at Baruipur and Canning.

It takes more time to reach Sundarbans via Baruipur Highway than then Basanti highway.

The Two Entry Points to Sundarbans
There are two main entry points to reach Sundarban from Kolkata.

1 – Godkhali and Jhorkhali

2 – Godkhali

We always use this entry point as it’s located just opposite Gosaba the main market of Sundarban Tribal Area and you will get all the necessary things before starting the tour to the Sundarbans.

In Godkhali there is a huge parking space for private cars and busses where you can park your vehicles with nominal charges. As well as you will get public transport options such as Busses and Autos from Godkhali to Canning.JhorKhaliJhorkhali is a less popular entry point to Sundarban. However, you will get public transport to get Jhorkhali from Canning, there are no markets like Gosaba in Jhorkhali and the parking space is not as huge as Godkhali.

There is one more reason why we always prefer Godkhali over Jhorkhali – The distance of the Sajnekhali Forest office from Jhorkhali is 9 KMS more than Godkhali. How to Reach Kolkata to Sundarban? There are three transport options to reach Sundarban from Kolkata.Via Local Train – It is the best option for indie tourists who want to save some money on travel.


By choosing this option you can reach Godkhali with just 150Rs/persons. To reach Sundarbans via train you have to catch the Sealdah-Canning Local train from Sealdah South station. You will get trains every hour. The best train that we use for our tourists is 7:40 am Sealdah-Canning Train.From Canning you have to catch a share auto or if you afford you can reserve an auto or car to Godkhali. Via Private Vehicle or Bus


The second and more comfortable option is to hire a private vehicle from Kolkata to Sundarban. If you hire a private vehicle you can reach Goidkhali by 3 to 3:30 hours.

If You Need Any Information  Please Call Us Or Send Mail

PHONE NO – +91- 9477655443

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Sundarban Watch Towers

Sudhanyakhali Watch Tower


Most of the tigers can be spotted from this watchtower.
panoramic view of Sundarbans from here. Wild animals like deer, wild boars, may be seen from the watchtower. A drinking water pond is there. Wild animals come here to drink water. Behind the pond are spread of land where can sight animals from a distance.

Sajnekhali Watch Tower

Sajnekhali Watch Tower, one of the main watchtower of Sundarbans, you can see here  Bonobibi temple, a museum and crocodile pond, Mangrove Interpretation center.

Dobanki Watch Tower

Sundarban watch tower

Your trip would be incomplete without this Canopy Walk.
This watchtower a. memorable experience of watching wildlife from its Canopy Walk. This canopy walk is about .75 km long and  20 ft high from the soil. There is also a sweet water pond. Deers, wild boars and birds are sighted here.

Burir Dabri Watch Tower


Two watch tower here.
The guide also provides here. In the watch Tower area, you can see the Mangrove tree with  Name.

Burir Dabri is a watchtower of Tiger project area inSundarban.
From this watch tower, you can see the Bangladesh side. River Raimongal flows between India and Bangladesh .it has a beautiful layout, where you walk between the wooden wall through the mud cage and reach the watchtower to look at Bangladesh. Deer.  Birds, crap. Wild boar, sighting here.

Netidhopani Watch Tower

about us

Netidhopani  watchtower is a oneb of the of the famous watch tower of sundarban  Core area.There is more than 500 years old ruins temple. Which is now inversion. I see there  so many soil-made things . If you are lucky you can watch tiger here.lots of tourist come every years. One sweet water pond for wild Animals driking water there. nobody is allowed after 4.00 pm.most of the tiger sighting between 11 am to 6 pm in netidhopani .This is the beautiful place of sundarban and you feel here peace and plasant.Lots of pilgrims came here few years ago for  warship of Godess Maa Monasa every years.

Kalash watch Tower

Sundarban watch tower

Kalash is a beautiful beach between  Mangrove forest and river side. Located in south 24 Parganas out of Sundarban core area jungle, Kalash Island is a part of Sunderban National park.

Tourist with armed guards is permitted to get down on the Kalash beach.  It is the ideal platform of birdwatching. narrow Creek, the beauty of wide River Matla, no man lands, only few Fisher trawler you can see.

Mud the entire river bank, and the far sight of the blue water and forest land. Occasionally unknowing birds scream
Ideal for viewing the Olive Ridley Turtles during the engendering season.Not allowed to stay at night,
Where is Kalash Island, is the Lonely Island, where you can see the nature of the game and the application.


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